Hi Allin,
Sorry for the late reply. I was busy the last days.
Am 17.04.2011 15:25, schrieb Allin Cottrell:
On Sun, 17 Apr 2011, Artur Tarassow wrote:
> Since some time I got the impression that a previously installed version
> using the package management system collides with a self-compiled
> version to some extend. [...]
OK, understood.
> I followed Allin's recommendation to use "./configure --enable-build-doc
> --prefix=/usr&& make&& sudo make install" after running
"rm -f
> ~/.gretl2rc" (deletes the respective file in my /home folder) as well.
> The output is:
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> mkdir -p -- /usr/share/gretl/data
> mkdir: kann Verzeichnis „/usr/share/gretl/data“ nicht anlegen: Die Datei
> existiert bereits
> make[1]: *** [installdirs] Fehler 1
> make[1]: *** Warte auf noch nicht beendete Prozesse...
> cp -fp ../share/data/descriptions /usr/share/gretl/data
> cp -fp ../share/data/gretldata.dtd /usr/share/gretl/data
> cp -fp ../share/data/plotbars/nber.txt /usr/share/gretl/data/plotbars
> cp: Zugriff auf „/usr/share/gretl/data/plotbars“: Ist kein Verzeichnis
> make[1]: *** [install_datafiles] Fehler 1
> make[1]: Verlasse Verzeichnis '/home/artur/cvs/gretl/share'
> make: *** [install] Fehler 2
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> It cannot open a new folder name "/.../data" since there exists already
> a FILE just named "data". Even if I rename this file or delete it, the
> compilation re-builds it and hence the folder named "data" cannot be
> build again.
Truly weird. I think you're discovering bugs in the Ubuntu 11.04
beta. However, I've just committed an update to the mkinstalldirs
script in gretl CVS. (The old version works fine for me, but just
in case...)
If the problem with the "data" directory still occurs, could you
remove the file "/usr/share/gretl/data" and then send the output
sudo make install> install.log 2>&1
The issue remains - even after deleting the data file. I attached the
install.log file.
> Following Riccardo's entry, I ran "sudo ldconfig".
For a second the
> gretl window opens but closes immediately again with the error:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Couldn't read /home/artur/.gretl2rc
That's OK, it will be re-created.
> Speicherzugriffsfehler (Speicherabzug geschrieben) [This refers to a
> segmentation fault - A.T.]
Not too surprising since gretl seems to be half-installed at this
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