Hi all,
I have downloaded both Octave 4.4.1 disk image & 5.2.0 source code. After installing
4.4.1, and linking gretl’s path to "Octave 4.4.1/Contents/MacOS/applet", I
was not able to run the example from the gretl documentation in Chapter 41:
open data4-1
matrix m = { dataset }
mwrite(m, "gretl.mat", 1)
foreign language=Octave
gmat = gretl_loadmat("gretl.mat")
end foreign
Once I run this, the Octave opens up with a command window, and nothing else is going on.
The spinning wheal just keeps on spinning in gretl. Only after I quit Octave will gretl
come to life with a script output saying nothing interesting:
gretl version 2020d
Current session: 2020-09-29 18:20
? open data4-1
Read datafile
periodicity: 1, maxobs: 14
observations range: 1 to 14
Listing 5 variables:
0) const 1) price 2) sqft 3) bedrms 4) baths
? matrix m = { dataset }
Generated matrix m
? mwrite(m, "gretl.mat", 1)
? foreign language=Octave
? gmat = gretl_loadmat("gretl.mat")
? end foreign
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance for your help,