Good day for all.
I have had write a script for treatment of panel data. I have had
centered the observations with var - pmean(var), in the file I have a
SEM, before the SEM I put smpl --no-missing, by the error "Gretl have
find missing observations". Next when I run the script, again appear the
error "Gretl have find missing observations" and before it the message
"Isn't deleted any observation" in response to smpl command.
The question is, Why gretl in script mode not remove the missing values
if in mode console gretl is pretty obedient?.
The script next: (gretl versiĆ³n 2018c)
open datosenapanel.csv --quiet
setobs Prod Anio --panel-vars
rename ImpB M
dummify Prod --drop-last
loop i=1..3
rename DProd_$i cons$i
list Vars = seq(3,11)
loop foreach i Vars
c$i = $i - pmean($i)
smpl --no-missing
Centrados <- system method=sur
equation cY 0 cAC cPR cRend cIPPB
equation cAC 0 cM(-1) cP(-1) cC(-1) cPR
equation cP 0 cY cM cIPPB
endog cY cAC cP
end system
Luis Salazar