Thank you for developing a great package. I do enjoy
using Gretl.
I have a query and some suggestion:
Are you planning to develop a GMM module in gretl?
GMM is increasingly popular amongst economist, see
Hayashi(2001) and Alastair R. Hall (2005).
1. Importing of Excel and other non-Gretl data file
should be more flexible. I tried importing an Excel
file without headings and could not. Have to type in
headings before import.
2. Very often, I add new variables by defining the
variables myself. But this is 2-3 layers down the
menu.Possible to Define New variables up one level?
3. Heteroskedasticity-correction should apply to panel
models or pooled models as well (may wish to take a
leave from Eviews 5).
4. Aspects of panel data modules could be improved,
making it easier to do fixed effect and random
effect.Panel data is very popular nowadays.
5. Running White's tests for heteroskedasticity often
crash the program.
I would be happy to elaborate on above if required.
Thank you and have a nice day
chee kian
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