Am 23.05.2024 um 20:55 schrieb Allin Cottrell:
* Fix: when you invoke a "factorized boxplot" (also mentioned by Sven)
the window that displays the plot has a right-click menu including the
item "Numerical summary". This ought to provide quick access to basic
summary stats by value of the factor, but it was broken for the case
where the factor variable is string-valued (like AreaRegion in your
test data file). You'd get the message "Data error". That's now fixed.
Thanks, Allin, I can see the result table. However, the numbers are
flowing into each other, I think that separating spaces are needed
between the columns. Example:
AreaRegion Mittel min Q1 Median
Q3 max
Australia - Oceania 1.5576e+006 1647.0
14750.1.0373e+0052.9862e+0052.5810e+007 (n=22)