Dear all,
I have a panel dataset and want to plot certain variables over time. I
constructed a time index applying: tindex = year*100 + month, and hence
I obtain for November 2014 something like "201411".
For plotting, the following command is used under a previously
restricted dataset (evaluate data only for a single country using):
smpl country==1 --restricted
gnuplot x1 x2 tindex --with-lines --single-yaxis --output="@fname" \
{ set term eps font 'Helvetica,13' lw 3 ; \
set xdata time ; \
set timefmt "%Y%m" ; set format x "%m/%Y" ; }
Unfortunately, the x-axis is not correctly shown. The temporary output
text-file you can find below. Does anybody have a clue what's wrong here?
set term post eps enhanced color solid
set output "/home/.../figs/ts_inflation_DE.eps"
set xlabel 'tindex'
set xzeroaxis
set datafile missing "?"
set key left top
set xrange [200068.225:201444.775]
# start literal lines
set term eps font 'Helvetica,13' lw 3
set ylabel 'in percent'
set key bottom horizontal outside
set yrange[-11.4089 : 15.8523]
set xdata time
set timefmt "%Y%b"
set format x "%m %Y"
# end literal lines
plot \
'-' using 1:($2) title "Overall" w lines , \
'-' using 1:($2) title "Energy" w lines
200001 ? # 2000:1
200002 ? # 2000:2
200003 ? # 2000:3
200004 ? # 2000:4
200005 ? # 2000:5
200006 ? # 2000:6
200007 ? # 2000:7
200008 ? # 2000:8
200009 ? # 2000:9
200010 ? # 2000:10
200011 ? # 2000:11
200012 ? # 2000:12
200101 1.307189542 # 2001:1
200102 1.739130435 # 2001:2
200103 1.739130435 # 2001:3
200104 2.176278564 # 2001:4
200001 ?
200002 ?
200003 ?
200004 ?
200005 ?
200006 ?
200007 ?
200008 ?
200009 ?
200010 ?
200011 ?
200012 ?
200101 9.408602151
200102 11.88251001
200103 8.842652796