Dear Gretl-users
I have analyzed a trivariate system X,Y,Z. In particular I have studied
Granger causality from X to Y. I have the following result:
ols Y const Y(-1) X(-1) Z(-1)
# Granger-type restriction for p=1
b[1,3] = 0
end restrict
Statistica test: F(1, 51) = 1,88323, con p-value = 0,175973
Then, I have also applied this command using VAR model (estimated by OLS):
sys <- system
equation Y const Y(-1) X(-1) Z(-1)
equation X const Y(-1) X(-1) Z(-1)
equation Z const Y(-1) X(-1) Z(-1)
end system
# Granger-type restriction
restrict sys
b[1,3] = 0
end restrict
estimate sys method=ols
Test F per i vincoli specificati:
F(1,153) = 1,88323 [0,1720]
The test statistics are equal, but the p-values are slightly different. Why do
we have this difference? I think that in the second case we consider the
critical values of the F-distribution F(1,nT − n^(2)p − n) where n is the
number of variables, p is the model order. Is it right?
Best regards