On Sat, 13 Jul 2019, Klára Major wrote:
I think I need help to solve this problem. It is very basic, but this is
the first time I wish to run an octave script from gretl.
To learn this I created this very simple example based on Users' manual:
open data9-7
matrix xy = { PRIME, UNEMP }
mwrite(xy, "xy.mat", 1)
foreign language=Octave
xy = gretl_loadmat("xy.mat");
x = xy(:,1);
y = xy(:,2);
h = sum(x.*y);
gretl_export(h, "h.mat");
end foreign
When I try to run this from gretl, I got an error message, this one:
error: writing file 'C:\Users\MAJOR KLÁRA\.octave_hist': No
such file or
error: ignoring const execution_exception& while preparing to exit
The file ".octave_hist" is not something that gretl writes; it's an
octave thing. So apparently the directory name "MAJOR KLÁRA" is not
working for octave (an encoding problem, I suppose). Maybe there's
something we can do about that. We'll experiment and get back to
Allin Cottrell