On Wed, 1 Dec 2010, Sven Schreiber wrote:
could you explain what you mean by "updating"? When I
Data->Databse->on server I get a list of databases that includes
"fedstl", which I would think has the Fred data.
I presume Samrat means, how to update the fedstl series beyond
what happens to be the latest available via the gretl server.
This is possible, but a little tricky. There is an updater program
in the "utils" subdirectory of the gretl source package. To work
with this you need a C compiler, to build the program, and you
also need to get an "API key" from the St Louis fed:
The alternatie to rebuilding the full database is just to visit
the FRED system online (
http://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/ )
and download the specific series you need. You can get these as
CSV (and also Excel format?).
Allin Cottrell