On Thu, 4 Dec 2008, Sven Schreiber wrote:
Ok, let's get explicit then...
Thanks, Sven, I think I finally get it. We advertise an "ADF test
with lag order p". Do we mean:
A. A test regression that includes p lags of the dependent
variable in that regression (namely, the first difference of the
variable to be tested), OR
B. A test appropriate for the alternative hypothesis that the
variable in question follows an AR(p) process in its level rather
than a random walk (so that the test regression should contain p-1
lags of the regressand) ?
If I'm reading you right, you know that for gretl the answer is A
(as indeed it is) but you doubt whether this is stated clearly
My feeling is that it's clear in the documentation, but if can you
suggest an economical way of cementing the correct interpretation
in the actual test output (and bearing in mind that some people
will run tests with lag order 24, which is why we currently write
"..." for the lags!), please do and I'll be happy to consider it
for inclusion.