On Thu, 3 Nov 2016, Allin Cottrell wrote:
On Thu, 3 Nov 2016, Jaromir Baxa wrote:
> Dear all,
> few days ago I've updated my gretl installation from 1.9.91 to 2016b and
> re-run one of my examples that I use in class and I've found that the
> principal components analysis behaves quite different now (perhaps a bug):
> After performing pca on the same dataset as before, gretl returns "Missing
> values encountered", both via GUI and via console and PC's are not
> calculated.
Second response: OK, I can confirm that the "pca" command used to
skip rows in the dataset on which there were missing values (in
gretl version 1.9.*), but in current gretl missing values provoke an
This isn't a bug, as such, but it may not be a well considered
change in behavior. I think the motivation for the change may have
been related to the fact that under the old behaviour there was no
indication of the number of missing observations that were dropped.
But of course that could be fixed by printing a count of
observations actually used (or dropped), rather than rejecting a
sample containing missing observations.
Thoughts from other users on this?
Allin Cottrell