On Tue, 26 Feb 2019, Sven Schreiber wrote:
Am 26.02.2019 um 00:42 schrieb Allin Cottrell:
> Use of "fcast" with panel data is now enabled (to varying degrees) for
> pooled OLS, fixed effects, random effects and dpanel.
Thanks for the summary, Allin.
> Caveat: It's not clear what we should do if the model specification
> includes time dummies. At present we impute an out-of-sample time
> effect equal to the mean of the in-sample time effects. This is
> obviously debatable; feel free to debate it. Perhaps we should ban
> such prediction altogether.
Spontaneously I'd say yes, ban them. [Plus an argument for why]
> Now to out-of-sample in the cross-sectional dimension. What are we
> going to do with individual effects, for the fixed- and
> random-effects estimators? For now, we set the predicted individual
> effect to the global constant (for fixed effects) or to its
> expected value of zero (for random effects). This is obviously
> another debatable point, analogous to the out-of-sample time effect
> case.
Yes. Same answer from me for the fixed effects case. For random
effects it's different IMHO, because it is explicitly treated as a
random variable and as you say, its expectation in the cross-section
is zero. [...]
OK. Actually at first I had banned these two dubious cases, then I
thought it was maybe worth canvassing a work-around. But I'm fine with
getting rid of the dodgy stuff. Anyone else want to express a view
before I do that?
BTW, I see that Stata is very restrictive in this department. With
"predict" after "xtreg" you can't get an out of sample forecast
in the time dimension when no time dummies are present -- other than
plain "xb" which omits individual effects, whether fixed or random.