Hello all,
I'd like to request some help with comparison of VECM output
across programs, if people happen to have copies of the relevant
proprietary software.
I'm interested in a couple of models from Johansen's VECM book.
In gretl-speak these are:
open denmark.gdt
vecm 2 1 LRM LRY IBO IDE --rc --seasonals
vecm 2 1 LRM LRY IBO IDE --seasonals
That, we use the Danish data from Johansen's book and estimate a
couple of VECMs, one with a constant restricted to the
cointegrating space and one with an unrestricted constant (gretl's
default), and both including (orthogonalized) seasonal dummies.
(In gretl, the leading "2" is the lag order, which comes down to 1
in differences, and the "1" is the cointegration rank.)
I've attempted to do this with stata, RATS 6.0 and R. Stata won't
include the seasonals when a restricted constant is included (why
not?) but it'll do the other model. RATS, it turns out, is useless
for VECMs unless you also buy CATS (which I have not done); if
anyone has CATS it would be nice to see output from that. R offers
a melange of packages that "sort of" do VECMs, but so far as I can
see, nothing coherent and fully functional.
Anyway, I'm particularly interested to see what Eviews and PcGive
do with these models, if anyone can oblige. Thanks in advance!
Well, one more thing: for fuller comparison, it might be nice to
have the output from other software for the two models above
without the seasonals:
vecm 2 1 LRM LRY IBO IDE --rc
vecm 2 1 LRM LRY IBO IDE
And yet one more thing: gretl automatically prints the
cross-equation covariance matrix. If you could get that out of
other software I'd like to see it too.
Allin Cottrell