On Tue, 31 Aug 2010, Annaert Jan wrote:
I have a monthly Gretl data set from 1838:01 through 2008:12. I
also have daily data for some series starting in 1838. I
understand it is not possible to expand a monthly dataset into a
daily. So I decided to create a daily dataset which I could
eventually compact. However, I don't seem to be able to create
from scratch a daily dataset starting somewhere in the 19th
century. Is there a neat solution to this? Thanks.
Something like this:
nulldata 44612
setobs 5 1838/01/01 --time-series
That's for a 5-day week, data ending at 2008/12/30. You can
substitute 6 or 7 for 5 depending on how many observations you
have per week.
(I notice that in the GUI "dataset structure" dialog the earliest
starting point for daily data is January 1900. Perhaps that should
be fixed, but the command-line/script version is more flexible.)
Allin Cottrell