On Tue, 19 Feb 2013, Ramler, Joe wrote:
I am ex-Stata user trying to work my way into gretl - though
Welcome to gretl-land!
With regard to panel data...
For example, when I load the data into gretl, it recognizes
the panel as "Panel: Full range 1:01 - 56:51". When I
restrict the full data set to say two counties and graph
them (using "gnuplot County1 County2 -time-series
-with-lines") the data are plotted on a graph with an x-axis
scale from 1-51 instead of 1990 - 2040. How can I get it to
recognize the data as that will create x-axis labels in
-time-series graphs automatically with the respective dates
rather than the periods 1 - 51?
Right now there's no automatic way to do that. If a dataset
contains a "year" variable (say), that can be used in setting
the panel structure but there's no way of telling gretl, "I
want this to be the time variable for the panel, please use it
in graphing."
However, this would be a nice thing to have. We could add
another member to the set of state variables that can be
manipulated by the "set" command, something like
set panel_time year
where "panel_time" is the name of the "set" variable and
"year" is the name of a series in the dataset.
I'll experiment with this.
Allin Cottrell