First, thanks for software my experience with it thus far has been positive
(Im a relatively new user - 2011).
My question is with regards to forecasting and plotting using a system of 2
equations. Im having difficulty figuring out the
if you can provide me with some feedback on that I would much appreciate it.
I attached my code for your consideration:
# model set up as a Inverse Demand & Supply System (#2)
smpl 1980 2010
system name="Soybean Model"
equation ld_Psoy_real ld_ont_soy_pe ld_gdp_real_per const
equation ld_Psoy_real ld_ont_soy_pe(-1) ld_interest(-1) ld_corn_seeded
endog ld_Psoy_real ld_ont_soy_pe
end system
# estimate it
estimate "Soybean Model" method=tsls
#fcast 2011 2011
series pr_est = $yhat[,1]
Thanks in advance