On Wed, 2 Jun 2021, JOSE FRANCISCO PERLES RIBES wrote:
Dear team:
I'm loading some data to R-Studio from Gretl using the Gretl-GUI through
the Tools==>Start GNU R==>as multiple time series,....
Using R 4.0.X there were no problems and the gretldata was appearing on my
R sesion. However, in my first attempt after the upgrade to R.4.1.0 I get
the following error:
R version 4.1.0 (2021-05-18) -- "Camp Pontanezen"
*Error: cannot add binding of 'vnum' to the base environment*
Somebody has a clue on what is happening?
In the NEWS for the R 4.1.0 release, we have: "The base environment
and its namespace are now locked (so one can no longer add bindings
to these or remove from these)." This seems to mean that we can't
define any constants ("bind" any identifiers) in gretl.Rprofile,
which is a little utility script that we source from within R to set
things up for gretl/R interaction.
We'll have to try to find a workaround for this new limitation. It's
not obvious to me how to proceed -- any R experts have suggestions?