Sorry for the last email, dont know what went wrong.
Here´s my quesitons:
I´m running a panel regression, with 5 different units, 13 observations each for a total
of nT=65.
1. When I test for fixed effects, the test results shows no fxed effects presents, thus
common intercept. The thing is that with this regression everything is perfect: normally
distributed errors, homescedastic erros, highly significant coefficiets, etc.
With the above mentioned, according to theory I should be able to just run OLS ( pooled
regrssion) because there are no fixed effects, But when I do that I get heterescedastic
errors, i fix that but I have to modify my model afterwards.
THe questions are:
1. Is panel regression using some kind of robust estimation technique? such as newey west
cov matrix?
2. WHen I test for random effects i get the following message: "not enough degrees of
freedom", are we using the standard hausman test for random effects?
thanks for everyhtihng , salu2!!
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