All I was trying to say is that creating a constant series from the
GUI is not currently possible due to this behavior. The second one is
a glitch that needs to be fixed if not immediately. The fix probably
involves something relatively simple such as deactivating the add
button when there is another adding in progress.
On Sun, Dec 6, 2009 at 11:08 PM, Sven Schreiber <svetosch(a)> wrote:
Talha Yalta schrieb:
>>> I discovered a few more GUI bugs:
>>> 1)- When I enter, say c=1, the add new variable creates a scalar
>>> instead of a vector of 1s.
>> Not a bug: say "series c=1" if you want a series. Read the Help!
> I am aware of the series command for some time now. "Define new
> variable" should do what it is supposed to do: namely create variable
> items not scalar items. To add scalars, there is the "Add" icon. Check
> the Scalars window!
Talha, a variable can be various things, including scalars, series, and
other stuff, so it's not a bug. But it's true that it may not be totally
clear to new users why they aren't getting a constant series when
entering c=1. I think this could be solved by including a hint in the
text of the small dialog window (sth like "use 'scalar' or 'series'
avoid ambiguities if necessary").
>>> 4)- In the scalars window, I can keep left clicking the "Add"
>>> and gretl keeps adding empty scalar lines.
>> Fine, don't keep clicking if you don't want empty scalar lines.
> Thanks for the workaround!
> Well, I will tell you about these things only if you want to hear about them.
hey, take it easy... many other developers in other projects sound
*always* much more snappy (if that's the right term) than Allin did just
*once* now. BTW I would tend to agree that the current behavior is
really not a problem and arguably the most convenient behavior not only
for the program (and its programmer) but also for the user. We don't
want more nagging alert windows I think.
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