On Thu, 17 Sep 2009, Talha Yalta wrote:
I would like to express my concern regarding the recent
to gretl fixing some of the diagnostic tests from a saved model based
on a different sub-sample. The current version of gretl indeed does
not produce erronious output in these tests because, if one opens a
previously estimated model, what gretl does is to give such error
messages as "dataset is subsampled, model is not" or "model and
dataset subsamples not the same" and to disable the Tests menu
altogether. IMHO this way of disabling functionality is not a good
I agree it's not ideal, but I'd like to clarify one thing: this is
the way it has always been. The recent fix didn't touch this
issue; it concerned the case where the current dataset sample and
the model sample differ _only_ in respect of the starting and/or
ending point of the sample range. Most model tests already
incorporated a correct workaround for that situation, and the
recent fix just involved ensuring that all tests use the same