Using the newest cvs under Ubuntu 10.04, I try to estimate a restricted
VECM (imposed restrictions on alpha and beta). But when I try to
estimate it using the gui gretl crashes. Using a script this does not
The output is:
Got a cross-alpha restriction
gretl_cholesky_decomp_solve: rcond = 9.02684e-07 (info = 0)
gretl_cholesky_decomp_solve: rcond = 5.34278e-10 (info = 0)
dpotrf failed with info = 4 (n = 10)
input matrix (10 x 10)
0.015089 -1.7891e-06 6.9771e+08 3.7403e+08 -2.9628e+10
6.8545e+09 1.0860e+09 2.5572e+09 5.1781e+09 -4.0054e+09
-1.7891e-06 3.9619e-08 -4.1770e+06 -2.2392e+06 1.7738e+08
-4.1036e+07 -6.5016e+06 -1.5309e+07 -3.1000e+07 2.3980e+07
6.9771e+08 -4.1770e+06 3.4236e+22 1.8353e+22 -1.4538e+24
3.3634e+23 5.3288e+22 1.2548e+23 2.5408e+23 -1.9654e+23
3.7403e+08 -2.2392e+06 1.8353e+22 9.8389e+21 -7.7937e+23
1.8031e+23 2.8567e+22 6.7267e+22 1.3621e+23 -1.0536e+23
-2.9628e+10 1.7738e+08 -1.4538e+24 -7.7937e+23 6.1736e+25
-1.4283e+25 -2.2629e+24 -5.3284e+24 -1.0790e+25 8.3461e+24
6.8545e+09 -4.1036e+07 3.3634e+23 1.8031e+23 -1.4283e+25
3.3043e+24 5.2352e+23 1.2327e+24 2.4962e+24 -1.9309e+24
1.0860e+09 -6.5016e+06 5.3288e+22 2.8567e+22 -2.2629e+24
5.2352e+23 8.2944e+22 1.9531e+23 3.9548e+23 -3.0592e+23
2.5572e+09 -1.5309e+07 1.2548e+23 6.7267e+22 -5.3284e+24
1.2327e+24 1.9531e+23 4.5990e+23 9.3125e+23 -7.2035e+23
5.1781e+09 -3.1000e+07 2.5408e+23 1.3621e+23 -1.0790e+25
2.4962e+24 3.9548e+23 9.3125e+23 1.8857e+24 -1.4587e+24
-4.0054e+09 2.3980e+07 -1.9654e+23 -1.0536e+23 8.3461e+24
-1.9309e+24 -3.0592e+23 -7.2035e+23 -1.4587e+24 1.1283e+24
Segmentation fault