Thank you very much, Allin
Il 26/11/2016 17:13, Allin Cottrell ha scritto:
On Sat, 26 Nov 2016, Matteo Pelagatti wrote:
> Dear Gretlers,
> is there a way to produce the stacked-bars Forecast Error Variance
> Decomposition (after having estimated a VAR or VECM) using the code?
> I can read the gnuplot code that generates the graph, but I cannot
> obtain the Gretl code that produces the gnuplot code.
> Thanks and all the best,
The underlying code that generates the gnuplot script is in the C
source graphing.c. At present we don't have a user-accessible function
that does an FEVD plot, but such a thing can be written in hansl.
Here's a simple example:
open data9-7.gdt
scalar p = nelem(X)
var 4 X
# grab FEVD for the first variable in the VAR,
# in percentage form
matrix F1 = 100 * $fevd[,1:p]
scalar h = rows(F1)
# get an array of strings holding the X-names
strings vnames = varnames(X)
# now open a plot file and write into it
outfile "fevdtest.plt" --write --quiet
printf "set xlabel 'quarters'\n"
printf "set title 'FEVD for %s'\n", vnames[1]
printf "set key outside\n"
printf "set style fill solid 0.35\n"
printf "set style histogram rowstacked\n"
printf "set style data histogram\n"
printf "set xrange [-0.5:%.1f]\n", h - 0.5
printf "set yrange [0:100]\n"
printf "plot \\\n"
loop i=1..p --quiet
printf "'-' using 2 title '%s'", vnames[i]
if i < p
printf ", \\\n"
printf "\n"
loop i=1..p --quiet
loop t=1..h --quiet
printf "%d %g\n", t-1, F1[t,i]
printf "e\n"
outfile --close
After running the above you should have a file fevdtest.plt that be
processed by gnuplot.
The chunk of code that writes the plot file could be made more general
and wrapped into a function, if wanted.
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Matteo Pelagatti
Dipartimento di Economia, Metodo Quantitativi e Stretegie di Impresa
Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
Via Bicocca degli Arcimboldi, 8
20126 Milano
Tel +39 02 6448.5834