Hi gretlers, I've just compiled the "release candidate" gretl 1.3.0 and
everything seems to work fine (thanks Allin!).
Now I'd like to benefit from syntax highlighting of gretl scripts (never
tried this before, I discovered the feature while translating the
manual), but I can't get it working (I'm using the GNOME desktop on a
Debian "unstable" system).
I've installed libgtksourceview-dev (and of course the runtime package)
and "./configure" doesn't output any error messages related to
gtksourceview; the final output is:
Installation path: /usr/local
Use readline library: yes
Use gnuplot for graphs: yes
Use PNG for gnuplot graphs: yes
Use LaTeX for typesetting output: yes
Gnu Multiple Precision support: yes
LAPACK support: yes
Build with GTK version: 2.0
Use gtksourceview for scripts: yes
Use installed libole2: NA
Use installed gtkextra: NA (*)
Build with gnome support: 2.0
Gnome installation prefix: /usr
X-12-ARIMA support: yes
TRAMO/SEATS support: yes
Experimental audio support: no
(*) I've installed the libgtkextra-dev package (and relevant runtime
package): could this be related to my problem?
Still, when I open up a script I get it in B/W. Any hints?
BTW, I've installed the following dependencies to compile gretl on
Debian unstable:
libgtk2.0-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev gnuplot lapack-dev
libgdk-pixbuf-dev libpng12-dev libreadline4-dev libgnome2-dev
libgnomeui-dev libgmp3-dev libgtksourceview-dev libgtkextra-dev
Signed/encrypted mail welcome -
GPG/PGP Key-Id: 0x943A5F0E -