On Fri, 6 Jul 2012, Jan Tille wrote:
Hello I am a new gretl user and have a question whether and how it is
possible to run a loop only via a selection of time series that have
minimum length of 24 months. The series's have different start and end
dates and I want to run a regression for each series that has a minimum
of 24 data points. Is there anybody, who can hint me on how to restrict
or define the loop properly. On possibility is, to preselect the data
that I import into gretl but this would be tedious, because I will also
run a different model on all series that have a minimum of 12 data
Maybe you can take a couple of ideas from the script below:
open AWM.gdt --quiet
smpl 1994:1 ;
loop foreach i EEN EEN_DIS EER FDD GCD GCN --quiet
scalar n = sum(ok($i))
printf "$i: %d\n", n
if n>16
printf "OK!\n"
printf "Oh, bother!\n"
end loop
Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
Dipartimento di Economia
Università Politecnica delle Marche
(formerly known as Università di Ancona)