On Fri, 11 Apr 2008, Franck Nadaud wrote:
I am currently working on my spatial scripts under win snapshot.
I have trouble with scripts that used to work properly. The
problem is that I cannot declare a matrix calling either a list
or the variable references.
Here is what GRETL tells when I declare a
matrix V4 = {13, 14, 15, 16}
variables 13-16 are intergers listing the observation number of
each 4 nearest neighbors for my 257 data points.
Could you please send an actual script that doesn't work?
According to gretl's syntax, the above definition of V4 will not
reference any variables: "13", "14", "15" and "16"
numerical constants -- and surely such a matrix is created
correctly? (I just checked here and it's OK).
Also created OK is a matrix composed of a set of scalar variables:
scalar s1 = 13
scalar s2 = 14
scalar s3 = 15
scalar s4 = 16
matrix M = {s1, s2, s3, s4}
However, scalar variables cannot be put into named lists, only
series. If I try
list L = s1 s2 s3 s4
I get an error: "Variable number 13 is out of bounds". This is
because gretl finds s1, sees that it's a scalar and so looks up
its value, namely 13, and tries to add variable number 13 to the
list. But there is no variable number 13.