Please keep to English on this list. Anyway, the question is how to solve the
problem when gretl says, on attempting to import Excel data, that the actual
number of shared strings in the workbook does not match the stated number.
This seems to indicate a malformed Excel file. Whether the bug lies with
Excel, or with gretl's Excel importer, we cannot tell without seeing the file in
question. If you can post it to me offlist I'll take a look.
Allin Cottrell
2018-04-12 2:08 GMT-04:00 Юлия Цуканова <zharovayulia(a)>:
Добрый день!
При выгрузке данных формата Excel выскакивает ошибка "expected 859 shared
strings but only found 856". Как это можно решить?