On Fri, 20 Nov 2015, Ignacio Diaz-Emparanza wrote:
El 20/11/15 a las 12:43, Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti escribió:
> On Fri, 20 Nov 2015, Ignacio Diaz-Emparanza wrote:
>> El 20/11/15 a las 12:18, Ignacio Diaz-Emparanza escribió:
>>> I looked at your examples in the wiki. The "slow easy way" works
OK. But
>>> in the "fast easy way" I only obtain the .plt file. I miss a way to
>>> gnuplot from inside gretl and put the .tex files in the correct place.
> [...]
>> Sorry I just sent the previous message and then got a partial solution to
>> these problems. If you put the line
>> literal cd "@workdir"
>> (or whatever directory you prefer) as the first one in the plot
>> environment, all the .tex files go this directory.
> Thanks, Ignacio. I just updated the wiki page. See if it works for you.
It works !
And the '--output=(a)dotdir/empty.ps' option is a very good solution.
It's a very clever solution, as expected from Jack, but I'm not sure
about "good" ;-)
There's something new in git (and snapshots). It's somewhat half-baked
and I won't document it yet, but take a look...
pen AWM --quiet
series tbal = XTN - MTN
list X = XTN MTN tbal
plot X
option with-boxes=tbal
literal set key below
options time-series with-lines
end plot --output=tradebal.tex
If gnuplot supports Lua/TikZ, use of the ".tex" suffix with the
--output option will call for a TikZ file. If not, it will instead use
gnuplot's cairolatex terminal to generate a pair of files tradebal.tex
and tradebal.pdf (the former does "includegraphics" on the latter).
Graphics produced by these two methods look pretty much identical.
This automatic procedure doesn't invoke the "createstyle" option for
the tikz terminal (which shouldn't really be necessary if gnuplot is
installed correctly). However, if you want that you can insert
literal set term tikz createstyle
into the plot block.
Allin Cottrell