On 26.08.19 15:43, Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti wrote:
On Mon, 26 Aug 2019, Sven S wrote:
> Which also brings me back to the question how to inject this
> information into a matrix.
Having a dedicated function like cnameset() would make perfect sense
to me. limitset(), perhaps, or something like that?
Either that, or since we have the convention that time periods in a
matrix will be in rows, perhaps exend the existing rnameset() function?
In any case, extending rnameget() would also be useful then: If the rows
of a matrix refer to time periods, I would guess that no proper "names"
will ever be specified. So using rnameget(M) on a matrix M which has the
t1 and t2 info set (and no other rownames) could give an array of
strings with the associated time period labels, e.g. from "1974Q1",
"1974Q2", through "1990Q4" or whatever.