Hi everybody,
while you're all busy watching the US election results let me announce
that a couple of days ago a new version of the contributed function
package "StrucBreak" by Jack Lucchetti and myself (and in the background
also Giulio Palomba) was released. This package tests and estimates
structural breaks according to the Bai & Perron (1998, 2003) approach.
This version 0.9 is quite a major update. For the end user the most
visible thing may be the addition of a menu-and-mouse interface. The
only reason that this is not v1.0 is that we want to have any
potentially remaining bugs squashed out (and some remaining small gaps
in the documentation which already is quite complete, however).
We prefer bug reports on this mailing list, but of course we'd also
accept them via direct email if you don't want to discuss them in public.
Hope this is useful for some of you out there!