Am 12.12.2015 um 13:28 schrieb Marc O'Callaghan:
You may be interested in knowing I am working on a climatalogy
which involves studying recurring meteorological events over several
years. For this I only need the period of year at which said phenomenon
generally occurs,
I'm not sure that you really want to "subsample" the data in the gretl
meaning of the term then. If you want to compute stuff only with the
data in those months (but for every year in the same way), maybe you
just need to set the observations in the other months to missing ("NA").
That would give you time series in the standard sense (equi-distant
observations in principle), but with your manually constructed
observation gaps.
Thank you very much for your help, I was completely unaware of the
$obsminor function. I am ashamed to say I am quite useless in matters IT.
No no, the $obsminor is a pretty specialized thing in gretl, and I guess
quite many people do not know it exists.