On Fri, 13 Sep 2019, Sven Schreiber wrote:
function void checkwritempi(void)
P = 4
mpi --send-functions
set verbose on
matrix m = I(2)
mpireduce(&m, vcat)
if $mpirank == 0
err = mwrite(m, "checkI2.mat", 1)
print err
end mpi --np=P --omp-threads=1
matrix m = mread("checkI2.mat", 1)
end function
First of all, 'set verbose on' doesn't seem to have an effect.
Secondly, I never see output from 'print err'.
That's the complementary error in attempting to get real-time output
from MPI on Windows: we don't hang waiting for non-existent output
but we fail to read all the output produced.
For the moment, until this is properly sorted out, test on Linux or
build gretl on Windows with MPI_PIPES not defined in