On Sun, 12 Aug 2018, Henrique Andrade wrote:
Dear Gretl Community,
I'm trying to download and open some Banco Central do Brasil (BCB)
data using its API and I don't know if there's a more "ellegant" way
to achieve that goal. Please take a look at the code I'm using now:
string str_csv =
# It is possible to download data using json format using this:
# "http://api.bcb.gov.br/dados/serie/bcdata.sgs.24363/dados?formato=json"
string str_csv = strsub(str_csv, "data", "")
string str_csv = regsub(str_csv, "\"", "") # <--- it
doesn't work with
the strsub function.
outfile "data.csv" --quiet
print str_csv
end outfile
open "data.csv"
The following works for me using current gretl:
URL = \
string s = readfile(URL)
s = strsub(s, "data", "")
s = regsub(s, "\"", "")
# or if you prefer:
# quote = sprintf("\"")
# s = strsub(s, quote, "")
outfile bcdata.csv --quiet
print s
end outfile
open bcdata.csv
print -o
However, you may have an easier time accessing Banco Central do
Brasil via gretl's new dbnomics interface, since BCB is one of their