I recently updated to the new julia 1.0.0 and noticed that our
"foreign" I/0 support for julia was broken. To use the @printf macro
you now have to say "using Printf" first; endof() has been renamed as
lastindex(); and readdlm() requires "using DelimitedFiles". Those
points are now fixed in git, but there are other problems too.
My test script for julia interaction calls a function from the
MultivariateStats package, and that doesn't appear to be working with
julia 1.0.0. I tried using the GLM package instead but that doesn't
work either. In the first instance this was with the julia build
supplied by Arch Linux. I then tried removing that and replacing it
with the binary package of julia 1.0.0 from
julialang.org: still no go
with either MultivariateStats or GLM. There seems to be some confusion
over "LinAlg" vs "LinearAlgebra" (and maybe some other things too).