Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti schrieb:
On Thu, 4 Dec 2008, Allin Cottrell wrote:
> On Thu, 4 Dec 2008, Sven Schreiber wrote:
>> Ok, let's get explicit then...
> Thanks, Sven, I think I finally get it. We advertise an "ADF test
> with lag order p". Do we mean:
> A. A test regression that includes p lags of the dependent
> variable in that regression (namely, the first difference of the
> variable to be tested), OR
> B. A test appropriate for the alternative hypothesis that the
> variable in question follows an AR(p) process in its level rather
> than a random walk (so that the test regression should contain p-1
> lags of the regressand) ?
> If I'm reading you right, you know that for gretl the answer is A
> (as indeed it is) but you doubt whether this is stated clearly
> enough.
We free software buffs do have a talent for creating looong mailing list
threads out of the simplest things. Since it looks like this thread is
dying out, I'll put my 2 cents in to revive it: shouldn't we be
consistent with the Johansen tests (\lambda-max and trace)? Those are
just the multivariate generalisation of ADF, and we use B there.
I know, I should have stayed quiet :-)
Personally I don't care much for this type of consistency as long as
it's clear in the output which is which. But I'm not opposed either.
With respect to the ADF issue itself I continued the discussion on the
development list, where it seems more appropriate now, so that we don't
bother the poor users with any more details.