Gretl users on MS Windows (Vista or higher) may have found that the
Help button in the dialog box for Jack Lucchetti's "SVAR" addon
(structural VARs) failed to open the PDF documentation.
The reason for that is a long story, but the short version is that
we didn't reckon with the "virtualization hack" introduced with the
new MS security model in Vista. Due to this, some files could end up
installed in strange places, where gretl lost track of them. Anyway,
this is now fixed in the current gretl snapshot.
If you're having that problem, we recommend updating to the
snapshot. You may also have to uninstall and reinstall the SVAR
package. You can uninstall under /File/function files/On local
machine; you can reinstall under /Help/Check for addons.
Allin Cottrell