On Sat, 12 Jan 2019, Alecos Papadopoulos wrote:
So there is the "official Gretl version". Then there is the
snapshot". Both can be installed with a few mouse clicks, accommodating
non-technical persons like me.
And then, there is the Gig ("Gretl in git"). If I understand correctly the
Gig is something like the vision of the prophet that will soon come true but
for the time being it mainly gives hope and psychological comfort to the
Namely, "This now is fixed in git" translates into "And I saw Tomorrow,
Tomorrow was bright and beautiful and peaceful, and generating random
variables as you need and hope it will" ?
The really comforting thing is that this Tomorrow usually does come...
"Tomorrow" (snapshot) generally comes no later than a couple of days
after the vision of the prophet (and sometimes within a few hours),
unless the code base is in a turbulent state and we don't want to
destroy the hopes of the believers.