There is this nice website called Ohloh (, which
provides various metrics for open source projects. It is possible for
everybody to submit a project so that their source code crawler
monitors up-to-date development activity. Several weeks ago, I had
submitted gretl and today I noticed that they have finally processed
the data and prepared a report for our favorite econometrics program:
Here are the main findings:
- Gretl is composed of a total of 297,477 lines of code.
- It would cost $4,274,252 to hire a team to write it from scratch.
- The source code is %77 C, %11 shell scripts and %10 XML.
- Among the 295 files in gretl, 252 are released under GPL 3.0 or
later, 23 are LGPL, 19 are GPL 2.0, and 1 is the New BSD license.
- Gretl's code base is mature and well established, however the source
code comments are relatively low
- Over the entire history of the project, 9 contributors have
submitted code. 4 have done so in the last year.
- Allin alone did about 90% of all commits over the 6.5 year existence of gretl.
As a user (and a minor contributor), I would like to thank Allin and
all developers for this excellent program. Keep up the good work!
A. Talha YALTA
"Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far
more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting
moment." - Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)