Dear all,
it is a great pleasure to introduce the gretl Association to the gretl
community. (The official name is "gretl Association e.V." because it was
founded under German law and e.V. stands for registered association.)
The gretl Association is formally independent from the gretl project,
and so we have a separate initial website online here:
But of course we share the same spirit!
By browsing through the information on that web page you will see that
we already founded the association last year, but due to the pandemic it
took a while to get it up and running. Right now the elected
chairpersons are Artur Tarassow and yours truly.
Of course we welcome new members, so please consider if you could join.
Again, more information is on the web page above, but the most important
bit is probably that it costs €18 per year (or €12 for students). You do
not have to live in Germany (or have a specific citizenship), anybody
can join. Currently you can pay by bank transfer or via Paypal.
Also feel free to circulate this invitation in your networks.
Thank you and have a nice weekend