On Mon, 11 Jul 2011, Davor Horvatic wrote:
Is there restriction on the parameters in GJR estimator ?
Aaaaahhhh, nice, nice question.
In short: no, there isn't.
Longer answer: in the fuzzy and comfortable world of GARCH(1,1), the
alpha > 0
beta >= 0
(alpha + beta) < 1
are natural, because you want your conditional variances to be positive
and finite for all t. Note that each of those requirements has a slight
different reason: for example, alpha = 0 would make the model
underidentified, so it's an absolute must. OTOH, the requirement (alpha +
beta) < 1 applies to the TRUE parameters, whereas their ESTIMATES may
happily violate that requirement in a finite sample: the point in
the parameter space which maximises the likelihood may well be outside the
admissible range just because your dataset ends with a massive volatility
burst. Besides, you should also handle the case, which is frequent in
practice, of parameters which go outside the admissible region during
maximisation and eventually go back into it because the maximum is inside
that region after all.
In such a situation, what would you consider the "best" policy? Surely,
you wouldn't want to hide the problem from the user, so just printing out
something like "I'm sorry, your estimates are outside the admissible
region" would be a pathetically patronizing decision from the software. In
my opinion, you want to treat these results for what they are: a
finite-sample oddity if your model is right or (more likely) an indication
that perhaps your model wasn't the best choice after all.
So I thought: ok, let's put no constraints on the parameters and just
issue a warning if the algorithm stops at some unorthodox point. This is
easy for a GARCH(1,1) model: for GARCH(p,q) models, this is more
complex, but still possible (see Nelson and Cao (1992), JBES). But then,
what do you do when you have models with exogenous variables in the
volatility equation? Or non-GARCH models? I am not aware of a
generalisation of the Nelson-Cao conditions for the APARCH model (pointers
appreciated, if any of you know of any).
Maybe we could treat the GARCH case specially and write a function for
checking the Nelson-Cao conditions? That should be quite easy to do. Any
Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
Dipartimento di Economia
Università Politecnica delle Marche