On Sat, 10 Jul 2004, Cristian Rigamonti wrote:
Hi Allin and friends, I've just discovered Quantian, a
quantitative-oriented GNU/Linux live distribution based on Knoppix,
maintained by Dirk Eddelbuettel (who incidentally is the Debian
maintainer of gretl :-)
It's available at:
I think it's very useful (amongst other things) as a tool for gretl (and
other free software) advocacy, especially in our Windows-oriented
universities; I can't believe there are so many researchers who just
don't know anything about GNU/Linux or free software here in Italy... :-(
I'll just put it into their cdrom drive and show'em what free software
can do!
I wonder if there are other "live" (no need to install) distributions
that include gretl...
I've been following quantian for a while... actually, I originally set up
my home box as a quantian install (so I'd have knoppix-like
automagic hardware setup and the packages I needed right on the CD),
asymptotically converging to debian testing...
I do appreciate quantian, but I feel that
1) It's getting too large: the latest version doesn't even fit on a CD
anymore (and no, not everyone has a DVD drive)
2) As economists, we'd need a more "focused" distro: we don't need all
bio/chem stuff, whereas it's a shame GNOME's out (I much prefer GNOME to
3) Custom knoppix stuff should be kept to a minimum, so convergence
towards standard Debian would be easier for those who install the whole
thing on hard disk. Some months ago, a sysv-init transition (or something
like that) had me fixing stuff for a whole night.
That said, quantian rocks!
Riccardo `Jack' Lucchetti
Dipartimento di Economia
Università di Ancona