Dear Gretl Team,
Please take a look at the following script:
# Loop 1:
matrix Quantis = {}
loop for (i=0.01; i<=1.00; i+=0.01) --quiet
matrix Quantis = Quantis ~ $i
print Quantis
# Loop 2:
matrix Quantis = {}
loop i = 1..99 --quiet
matrix Quantis = Quantis ~ $i/100
print Quantis
Loop 1 and Loop 2 produce the same output when Gretl uses English as
language. But when I use Gretl in Portuguese I get the following error
"O símbolo ',' não é válido neste contexto
Erro de sintaxe"
The same error doesn't occur when I use "i" instead of "$i".
Best regards,
Henrique Andrade