Hello Sven! Thank you for replying to my query so quickly.
It is daily data (5-day). It is the spread between the discount rate and the overnight
reverse repo rate. I actually just downloaded the most recent snapshot a couple of days
ago. Checking "about gretl" reveals it is version 2023a, with a build date of
The data is indeed public as it comes from FRED. I just signed up for the forum, so I am
not sure of how to attach .png files. The best I can do is place the two images in my
dropbox and send you a link for them. Here is the image that comes out of just doing the
basic plot with no editing where the dates come out fine on the x-axis
and here is the image when I apply my edits; as you can see, the dates go from slightly
diagonal, which I like, to horizontal with jumbling
Let me know if there's a way to upload the images directly to the forums, or if you
prefer I upload them through a different shareable medium.
Thanks again for any help!