On Fri, October 27, 2006 20:03, Thiago Marzagão wrote:
Thank you for your reply.
The point is that I'd like to constrain the fitted values (and not the
observed ones) of the dependent variable.
The problem is that my depedent variable cannot "physically" (i.e., in real
world situations) extrapolate a certain range of values (thus all my
observed values lie within this range) but when I run the regression some of
the fitted values are, in fact, outside this range (although the general fit
of the model is good). So I need a kind of Tobit model, but I need to
specify not only the lower bound but also the upper bound of the range. The
Tobit command in GRETL constrains the lower bound to zero (whenever the
fitted values are negative), but it does not specify an upper bound (and it
does not allow me to specify a lower bound other than zero).
Best regards,
The tobit command we have now only handles the "plain vanilla" case. However,
it should be possible to set up the model you want by using the "mle" command.
See chapter 15 of the manual for details.
Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
Dipartimento di Economia
Facoltà di Economia "G. Fuà"