A simple matrix output as for the correlation matrix would be the
simplest way I think...?
Am 07.08.2010 02:12, schrieb Henrique Andrade:
A "Granger test" entry in Gretl menu would be great ;-)
2010/8/6 John C Frain <frainj(a)gmail.com <mailto:frainj@gmail.com>>
In the example here one can conclude that PRICE does not Granger cause
QNC. Gretl then gives the results of all bivariate Granger Causality
tests. There are other possible Granger Causality tests. If one
divides the n dimensional VAR into two sub-systems of dimension n1 and
n2 one may ask if the first system Granger causes the second. In the
example one may ask if PRICE Granger causes QNC and INCOME. This is a
joint test on the lags of PRICE in the QNC and INCOME equations. AS
far as I know this can not be implemented within the VAR estimation in
the GUI. (I presume that the test can be implemented using the
simultaneous equations estimation routines). Would it be possible
or worthwhile to add these items to the test menu in the Vector
autoregression results window.
On 6 August 2010 20:17, Allin Cottrell <cottrell(a)wfu.edu
<mailto:cottrell@wfu.edu>> wrote:
> On Thu, 5 Aug 2010, Sven Schreiber wrote:
>> Am 05.08.2010 18:08, schrieb Carlos Manuel Gratereaux Hernández:
>> > I am a teacher of Basic Econometric at UASD of Dominican
Repúblic. Last
>> > class I was working about Granger Causality Test with my
students. I had
>> > to use another econometric software because i didn't find
this test in
>> > windows language GRETL. How can I do it in GRETL?
>> IIRC it appears automatically in the output if you estimate the
>> corresponding VAR. Some time ago the buzzword "Granger
causality" did
>> not appear in the output, but it was just that test. An explanatory
>> remark may have been added in the meantime, I don't have time
right now
>> to verify.
> No, it hasn't been added. The current output looks like this
> (for an equation where QNC is the dependent variable):
> F-tests of zero restrictions:
> All lags of QNC F(4, 47) = 14.868 [0.0000]
> All lags of PRICE F(4, 47) = 2.0829 [0.0980]
> All lags of INCOME F(4, 47) = 4.3412 [0.0045]
> All vars, lag 4 F(3, 47) = 11.755 [0.0000]
> The middle two F-tests (only) are Granger causality tests. Putting
> the buzzword in would require some reorganization. Dos anyone have
> a suggestion (if it's worth doing)?
> Allin Cottrell
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John C Frain
Economics Department
Trinity College Dublin
Dublin 2
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Henrique C. de Andrade
Doutorando em Economia Aplicada
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
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