Angelo wrote:
while exploring Rank correlation I've noticed that the command
"XY Scatterplot" does not work properly at least on my computer
(gentoo amd64, with gnuplot 4.3 cvs-updated).
If I try to do a scatterplot either with the "right click"
in the main window or with "View>Graph Specified Vars>X-Y
scatter" I get a segmentation fault with Gretl complaining about
set missing "?"
".../gretl/gpttmp.VsvKxg", line 7: valid set options: [] =
choose one, {} means optional
That's gnuplot compaining, not gretl itself. This would appear to
be a backward-incompatible change of syntax in gnuplot 4.3.
Bother. I'll have to install 4.3 and investigate.