Hi everybody,
I'm wondering whether it would be an idea to also obtain the Hansen
over-id test after the dpanel command (dynamic Arellano/Blundell-Bond
style GMM estimator). Currently gretl only shows the non-robust Sargan
test. This seems to be a little bit inconsistent considering that by
default robust standard errors are reported.
I am aware that for example Stata's built-in xtdpdsys command does _not_
report that result, either. (Other contributed Stata routines do.) Don't
know why the Stata people decided against it.
So two relatively concrete questions:
Is it possible with the content of the $model bundle after dpanel to
construct the Hansen test? I tend to think no, but maybe it is.
Secondly, is it actually possible to switch off the robust standard
errors in dpanel? Just out of curiosity and for comparison.