Dear Riccardo, and listers
Thanx again, for the quick response.
Effectively i use mainly the graphical client for now. However, to be
more specific, for a while, gretl used to print output of most (not all)
commands in a single window, thus the results were added along, this is
what i called "continuous scrolling". At the end of a session a single
text filed could be saved with all the results as well as the command log.
Now, with every command from the menus a new window is opened, and gretl
does not save a text file with the results. Maybe it is no longer
possible since 1.6 to have a single scrolling window ?
What puzzles me a bit is that the change took place suddenly, well, i
dont remember exactly if it occured when i updated to 1.6.
salut à tous !
Franck Nadaud
Centre International de Recherche sur l'environnement et le Développement
Campus du Jardin Tropical de Paris
45 bis avenue de la Belle Gabrielle
94736 Nogent sur Marne Cedex
Tél : 01 43 94 73 94 (ligne directe)
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