Gretl 2020a windows 64bit.
Consider the following output from mle estimation (pay attention to the
Gradient values and the NA std errors):
loglikelihood = -1241.43371416 (steplength = 6.5536e-012)
Parameters: 1.3798 1.0173 0.96596 3.7418e-012
Gradients: 2.4007 6.7772 -5.3557 -0.89559 (norm
Tolerance = 1.81899e-012
Function evaluations: 273
Evaluations of gradient: 39
Model 2: ML, using observations 1-1000
logl = check ? obsll :NA
Standard errors based on Outer Products matrix
estimate std. error z p-value
const 1.37979 NA NA NA
X1 1.01730 NA NA NA
sv 0.965960 NA NA NA
su 3.74177e-012 NA NA NA
Warning: norm of gradient = 1.96088
I have a question, and a suspicion about what the answer might be.
My question is: since the Std errors are based on the Outer Products
matrix, why are they not computed/presented ? Never mind whether this is
a successful estimation attempt -it is not. My question is "mechanical".
I would understand "NA" if I was asking for std errors based on the
inverted Hessian. But where is the problem in computing std errors based
on the gradient?
My suspicion: maybe gretl in all cases dutifully computes the full
variance expression, [G= likelihood gradient], namely Variance = E(GG')
- E(G)E(G)' (using sample means), i.e. it does not a priori treat as
given that E(G)=0. Then, if it so happens that E(G) >> 0 (as is my
case), the full expression may become negative, in which case std errors
are reported as NA since they are the square root of the variance.
Somebody please?
Alecos Papadopoulos PhD
Athens University of Economics and Business