Thank you very much, Allin. I am just busy with preparing lectures but I
am going to have a look at it tomorrow.
Am 06.12.2017 um 19:11 schrieb Allin Cottrell:
On Tue, 5 Dec 2017, Artur Tarassow wrote:
> I want to plot a stacked barplot over time by providing the matrix
> 'mat' (rows=Time, cols=variables) and a vector 'xmat'. xmat is based
> on the $obsdate command holding daily dates in the format YYYYMMDD. My
> objective is to handle date strings on the x-axis correctly. But this
> drives me nuts...
Here's a somewhat improved version of my suggestion. As it stands it's
adapted to quarterly data. It would be straightforward to generalize it
to cover monthly data, daily would require a little more work.
In this version I've simplified things a little by assuming that Artur's
"xmat" (time variable) is not an optional extra but is the last column
of the matrix argument to stackplot().
set verbose off
function void stackplot (matrix mat,
int nstep[1::4] "Print only n-th value on xaxis",
string fname)
k = cols(mat)
tmpfile = sprintf("%s/", $dotdir)
outfile @tmpfile --write
printf "set encoding utf8\n"
printf "set nokey\n"
printf "set style data histogram \n"
printf "set style histogram rowstacked\n"
printf "set style fill solid border -1\n"
printf "set style fill solid 0.35\n"
printf "set xtics nomirror rotate by -45\n"
# write data block
printf "$data << EOF\n"
loop i=1..rows(mat) -q
loop j=1..k-1 -q
printf "%g ", mat[i,j]
cond = (i == 1 || (i+1) % nstep == 0)
printf "%g\n", cond ? mat[i,k] : -1
printf "EOF\n"
# define a gnuplot function
printf "# start literal lines\n"
printf "qdate(x)=sprintf(\"%%gQ%%g\",floor(x),10*(x-floor(x)))\n"
printf "# end literal lines\n"
# write plot specification
printf "plot \\\n"
loop j=1..k-1 -q
if j == 1
printf "$data using 1:xtic($%d < 0. ? \"\" : qdate($%d))",
k, k
printf "$data using %d", j
printf "%s\n", j == k-1 ? "" : ",\"
outfile --close
gnuplot --input="@tmpfile" --output="@fname"
end function
open data9-7 -q
smpl 1975:1 1980:4
# quarterly data
series date = $obsmajor + $obsminor/10
stackplot({QNC}~{QNC/2}~{date}, 2, "display")