On Thu, 14 Apr 2011, Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti wrote:
On Thu, 14 Apr 2011, Qi Shi wrote:
> Hi
> i have installed x-12-arima for Windows, but the button is still not
> activated. why?
Probably a useless sugesstion, but you never know: be sure to open a
time-series dataset before you try. If gretl sees your data as
cross-section, the x12 menu entry will be greyed out.
Yes, but not only that: to use the menu item "/Variable/X-12-ARIMA
analysis" the time-series data must be of a frequency that
x12a can handle, namely quarterly or monthly. You can check this
by opening the (supplied) Ramanathan data set data9-7, which
is quarterly: if x12a is installed correctly that menu item should
be active.
Allin Cottrell